Melissa Safari Lantern Retreats Sri Lanka Yoga

Lantern Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka

Yoga – Culture – Adventure and Wild Safari!  If someone was to ask you what was the best day of your life, what would you say? It’s a hard question to answer. When we asked Melissa she answered instantly but said there were 2. The day she first saw Cleo the leopard and the day…

Clear Water Guided Meditation with Melissa Lantern Yoga Retreats London Dance Academy

Free Guided Meditation with Melissa: Clear Water Meditation

Close your eyes and imagine you’re laying at the edge of a cool, clear stream, surrounded by nature’s soothing symphony. This serene imagery is the gateway to this 11-minute guided meditation with Melissa, a seasoned practitioner and the heart behind Splits Therapy. Melissa’s voice gently guides you through the Clear Water Meditation, creating a mental…

Ting and Annabel Nilaveli Lantern Yoga Retreat on the beach


Lantern Retreats Sri Lanka – Yoga Retreat – Adventure – Splits Therapy – Ayurveda – Beach – Safari – Culture Next Retreat 24 May – 2 June 2025 Yoga Retreat on the Beach Discover the treasures of the Northern beaches of Sri Lanka and their ancient secrets. Our home for the retreat, where the pearl…