Pole Level 1 - Foundation Class

You must have attended at least 3 Discover Pole classes to join this level.

Pole dancing is a technique that anyone can learn. Don’t forget we were all beginners once!

During our Pole Level 1 (Foundation) class your posture, fitness and confidence will improve and more importantly, you’ll have loads of fun. As well as learning the London Dance Academy Level 1 curriculum, you’ll learn how to choreograph to form your own beautifully flowing routines.

What to wear at the Pole Level 1 (Foundation) class

Shorts and a crop top are advisable as you will need skin on pole contact.

Remove all jewellery before the class and do not use any body lotion or moisturiser on the day of your session, as it will cause you to slip off the pole. This is very important!

The moves you’ll learn in Level 1 Pole Classes

Step-Around the pole, Seated shapes on the pole, Fan Kicks, Inverts on the pole, Classic Martini (the pose not the drink :)) and Basic Spins

Some of the benefits of pole dancing that we’ve seen are:

  • Greater confidence
  • Community and friendship
  • Upper body strength
  • Core strength
  • Legs, bums and tums workout
  • Greater flexibility
  • Increased endurance
  • Improved muscle tone
  • Increased stamina

Important Information

Late Arrivals: If you are running late, please call reception. Arrival more than 10 minutes late means you will miss the warm-up and cannot join the class.
Cancellations: Provide at least 12 hours notice for cancellations.

Join us at London Dance Academy and take your first steps around the Pole!


female pole dancing teacher teaching class in foundation pole dance moves at london dance academy
  • Studio