Headstands & Handstands for Beginners Class

Introduction to Inversions

This Headstands & Handstands for Beginners class is suitable for all levels and anyone afraid of inversions.

We will focus on alignment, stacking, posture, balance and confidence.

We will explore ways to help you enjoy going upside down in a safe and secure way with loads of support and encouragement, all to help improve your flexibility and mobility.

During this class we follow the principles of Yoga & learn why the headstand is considered the King of Asanas. You will learn safe, structured and strong postures that can benefit all your favourite upside down antics.

Do you want to delve deeper?

Keep an eye out for workshops and pop-up classes with Melissa. And read more about her Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka on our retreats page.


If you are running late for a class, please do call reception to let us know. If you are more than 10 minutes late for a class, you may not be allowed to enter, as you would have missed the warmup. Also, please note we require a minimum of 12 hours notice for cancellations.

headstands and handstands for beginners class at london dance academy
  • Studio